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Formação em mecânica de bicicletas. Formação básica, intermédia, avançada. Módulos técnicos complementares. Formação personal

For those who have little or no knowledge of bicycle mechanics, and want to solve their mechanical problems while doing their outings or weekend getaways, using the backpack tools, aka "multitools"

We are a family owned and operated business.

It includes a 6-hour theoretical-practical training session in a workshop environment, which addresses the most common mechanical problems.

We are a family owned and operated business.

Duration: 6 hours

We are a family owned and operated business.


  • Safety

  • Lubricating and cleaning the bicycle

  • Ergonomics and adaptations to the cyclist

  • Puncture repair, tire types and pressures

  • Repair and replacement and chain

  • Adjusting changes

Formação em mecânica de bicicletas. Formação básica, intermédia, avançada. Módulos técnicos complementares. Formação personal


Formação em mecânica de bicicletas. Formação básica, intermédia, avançada. Módulos técnicos complementares. Formação personal

Aimed at users of bicycles, road cyclists, mountain bikers, athletes, and others, who intend to carry out the maintenance of their own bicycle, using tools is present in a home workshop.

We are a family owned and operated business.

Duration: 8 hours (1st session) + 2 to 4 hours (2nd session). The 2nd session of this training is held approximately in the month following the 1st session, and aims to clarify the trainees about any difficulties experienced after the 1st session and in their autonomous repairs.

We are a family owned and operated business.


  • Workshop safety

  • Consumables and lubricants

  • The home workshop - minimum requirements and tools

  • Ergonomics and bicycle adjustment

  • Troubleshooting

  • Repair of holes in chamber and tubeless systems

  • Transmission system

  • Diagnostics and wear

  • Chain. Checking, lubricating and cutting.

  • Cable lubrication

  • Rear and front gear tuning

  • Adjustment, brake adjustment

  • Brake pad types, compatibility and replacement brake pads

  • Light performance of wheels

  • Wheel steering gearboxes

  • Headboxes. Diagnosis

  • Approach to Bike Fit

Formação em mecânica de bicicletas. Formação básica, intermédia, avançada. Módulos técnicos complementares. Formação personal

Aimed at future mechanics, bicycle professionals and trainees who want to broaden their knowledge of bicycle mechanics considerably.


We are a family owned and operated business.

1st Phase - 3 consecutive 8-hour theoretical-practical training sessions, covering the content of the training presented in the BBB-4 book by Parktool

2nd Phase - Autonomous self-directed training. Autonomous research tasks, with subsequent validation by the School of Bicycle Mechanics

3rd Phase - Internship in a real work context, with a suggested duration of 400 h, which aims to carry out the tasks proposed by the School of Mechanics. Flexible internship depending on the trainee's availability, and to be agreed with the welcoming company.

4th Phase - Theoretical and Practical Evaluation


  • School presentation

  • Workshop safety

  • Consumables and lubricants

  • The bicycle workshop - requirements, tools and budgeting.

  • Essential tools and equipment.

  • Store opening. Location. Opening requirements. Suppliers, stocks, areas. Profit margins. Viability.

  • Workshop waste. Recycling and legal obligations.

  • Ergonomics and bicycle adjustment

  • Fault diagnosis methodology. Systematization of diagnoses.

  • Fundamental physical principles of bicycle mechanics.

  • Tires, types and sizes

  • Repair of holes in chamber and tubeless systems

  • Transmission systems. Diagnosis and wear.

  • Pedals. Disassembly, maintenance, explanation and reassembly.

  • Chain. Checking, lubricating and cutting.

  • Lubrication and replacement of cables and coils.

  • Installation of moving systems. Rear and front gear alignments and tuning

  • Adjustment and adjustment of brakes. Mechanical and hydraulic systems. Purge systems.

  • Brake pad types, compatibility and replacement brake pads

  • Wheel performance. Lightning replacement. Hoops.

  • Internal change system. Disassembly, interpretation, tuning and lubrication

  • Electronic gear changeover systems. Sram eTap, Shimano Di2, Campy EPS.

  • Headboxes. Diagnosis, lubrication and repair.

  • Static fit bike. Adaptations. Supporting computer applications.

  • Suspensions. Specific tools and oils. Basic maintenance. Adjustment.

Suspensões, Amortecedores e Espigões
Formação em mecânica de bicicletas. Formação básica, intermédia, avançada. Módulos técnicos complementares. Formação personal

Maintenance of telescopic suspensions, dampers and seatposts. Several brands will be addressed, such as suspensions Rock Shox, Fox, Marzzochi, Andreani among others.

We are a family owned and operated business.

This training includes basic and professional training presented separately by the brands. The School of Mechanics, in addition to the brand information, provides universal tools to carry out its revisions without the need for commitment.

We are a family owned and operated business.

At the end of the training a certificate of attendance will be delivered.

We are a family owned and operated business.

Training Level 1 - Suspensions

We are a family owned and operated business.

Duration: 8 theoretical-practical hours

We are a family owned and operated business.


  • Safety

  • Applicable tools and consumables

  • Theoretical approach to damped systems. Physical modeling and dynamic responses.

  • Dynamic behavior

  • Oil volumes and tightening control

  • Maintenance intervals

  • Constitution and terminology (Suspensions)

  • Progressivity curve

  • Driving maintenance. Disassembly, diagnosis and assembly

We are a family owned and operated business.

Training Level 2 - Air and spring shock absorbers. Hydraulic telescopic spikes

We are a family owned and operated business.

Duration: 8 theoretical-practical hours

We are a family owned and operated business.


  • Safety

  • Oil volumes and tightening control

  • Maintenance intervals

  • Constitution and terminology (Shock Absorbers & Spikes)

  • Progressivity curve

  • Driving maintenance. Disassembly, diagnosis and assembly

Construção e Reparação de rodas
Formação em mecânica de bicicletas. Formação básica, intermédia, avançada. Módulos técnicos complementares. Formação personal

Construction of a wheel from scratch.
It is intended to provide trainees with a set of skills for the construction, tuning and repair of different types of wheels. It includes the complete construction of a root wheel, from the choice of the hub, the spokes, the rim, to the geometric tuning, in its three sides and tension tuning. Includes application data entry and interpretation.

Duration: 8 hours


  • Safety

  • Tools

  • Hoops, spokes and hubs. Variations and types.


  • Calculation of radius and force size

  • Rooting patterns

  • Practical application of rooting

Formação em mecânica de bicicletas. Formação básica, intermédia, avançada. Módulos técnicos complementares. Formação personal
Formação em mecânica de bicicletas. Formação básica, intermédia, avançada. Módulos técnicos complementares. Formação personal

Our most complete and personalized training.

With a total duration of 628 theoretical and practical hours , which includes:

  • Intermediate training

  • Advanced

  • Wheel module

  • Electronic systems

  • Engines

  • Suspensions

  • Personalized professional internship

  • Wheels

  • Contacts of suppliers and represented brands

  • Park Tool Master Kit-268 (the most complete tool kit from Park Tool)

  • Evaluation

  • Park Tool Knowledge Homologation Exam Preparation and much more.

Formação em mecânica de bicicletas. Formação básica, intermédia, avançada. Módulos técnicos complementares. Formação personal
Formação em mecânica de bicicletas. Formação básica, intermédia, avançada. Módulos técnicos complementares. Formação personal

For those who still don’t have enough autonomy to independently perform bicycle mechanic tasks,

or for those who need practical reinforcement before taking the advanced training.

Formação em mecânica de bicicletas. Formação básica, intermédia, avançada. Módulos técnicos complementares. Formação personal
Formação em mecânica de bicicletas. Formação básica, intermédia, avançada. Módulos técnicos complementares. Formação personal

Steel, aluminum and titanium are the materials most commonly used in the construction of bicycle frames. In this theoretical and practical module, it is intended to provide trainees with theoretical and practical skills for carrying out repair welding, or even for building a new framework. Choice of materials, regulation of machines, gas and choice of consumables. Safety. Practical welding in steel, aluminum and titanium. Non-destructive testing. Welding of thin-walled tubes. Construction of gauges for positioning tubes.

Formação em mecânica de bicicletas. Formação básica, intermédia, avançada. Módulos técnicos complementares. Formação personal
Formação em mecânica de bicicletas. Formação básica, intermédia, avançada. Módulos técnicos complementares. Formação personal

It includes a set of themes related to the systems existing on electric bicycles. Batteries, motors, controllers, connections, and sensors are areas that are addressed in this training action. Security, loading and systems diagnostics are just some of the topics covered. In the case of a horizontal formation, it can be used in any type of brand.

Formação em mecânica de bicicletas. Formação básica, intermédia, avançada. Módulos técnicos complementares. Formação personal
Formação em mecânica de bicicletas. Formação básica, intermédia, avançada. Módulos técnicos complementares. Formação personal

One of the major developments in terms of the construction of frames and bicycle components was the choice of lighter materials, of which carbon is highlighted. In this training module, an approach is made to the different types of carbon, the identification of the extent of the damage, the preparation of the repair, the repair with resins, the production of the vacuum, the evaluation of the post-repair resistance, and the final finish.

Formação em mecânica de bicicletas. Formação básica, intermédia, avançada. Módulos técnicos complementares. Formação personal
Formação em mecânica de bicicletas. Formação básica, intermédia, avançada. Módulos técnicos complementares. Formação personal

If you have a project to start, or are thinking about opening a new store, this is a mandatory module. It is not a module of theoretical management, with graphs, curves, or ratios, but a module where it is intended to elucidate the trainee about his new project.

Intended for future store managers, this module is not by far and only a set of management and economics definitions, it contemplates the concrete study of the project, alerts for the most common errors of project implementation, estimates cost of implantation, stocks, estimated areas, and contact with suppliers and brands, effective ways of publicizing events, the project, and promoting it. ENgloba also details licensing, allowing you to save a lot of time and gather a lot of scattered information.

Formação em mecânica de bicicletas. Formação básica, intermédia, avançada. Módulos técnicos complementares. Formação personal

In addition to the actions indicated, we provide the following training modules (on request)

  • Customer service for employees without mechanical training

  • Electronic switching systems. Shimano Di-2. SRAM eTap. Campagnolo EPS.

  • Training planning and methodologies

  • Sports Nutrition

Formação em mecânica de bicicletas. Formação básica, intermédia, avançada. Módulos técnicos complementares. Formação personal
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